☆ In this III part of my series ꌗ꓄ꍟꍏ꒒꓄ꃅ ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ꌗ, we will be training on how to eliminate opponents extremely fast without getting caught or having your health and shields damaged. Do you want to know how that’s even possible? Then stick around!
Don’t forget!! These are REAL combat techniques that you can apply in life-threatening situations, although please hear my DISCLAIMER: I am not encouraging anyone to harm others. If you’re smart, you can become flawless at avoiding conflict, thereby multiplying your chances of survival. However, it is important to know how to defend yourself in situations where engagement is the only option.
So, let’s game@ware and practice real martial arts techniques that you can actually apply in real-life combat!
⭐ COMING UP: What happens if we play with only one pistol? Do you have any other ideas for a video? Please let me know, and we’ll get right on it! 🥷
Find ꌗ꓄ꍟꍏ꒒꓄ꃅ ꀘꀤ꒒꒒ꌗ
PART I 👉 ...
☆ Want to make Fortnite more interesting? Then try the Katana-ONLY challenge and aim to finish the game in first place! Here are the rules:
~ FIRST, get the sword randomly—don’t search in spots where you already know it spawns.
~ SECOND, you can only carry ONE weapon at a time. This also means no grenades, bombs, or anything else that causes damage.
~ THIRD, "you break it, you buy it." This means no replacing your sword unless it’s with another sword.
Why focus on the Katana? Understanding your weapons and their effects is crucial, both in Fortnite and in real life. In martial arts, especially those rooted in Japanese traditions, the katana is more than just a weapon—it's an extension of the wielder's discipline and skill. The katana’s blade, made from tamahagane, combines strength and flexibility through folding, forging, and differential tempering. These steps create a hard, razor-sharp edge for cutting while preserving a softer, flexible spine to absorb impact.
However, this design has limitations. A katana ...
☆ A Hermetic Reading to find out what’s really going on behind the curtains ~ Fall || Winter 2024 / 2025. Agenda 2030 until 2050.
☆ PART I -•- (RUMBLE STREAM) » https://rumble.com/v5goyw5-12-hermetic-reading-.html?mref=204yt4&mc=302am
☆ PART II -•- (RUMBLE SOON PRIVATE. Available 33 minutes AFTER stream) » https://rumble.com/v5gq5f5-22-hermetic-reading-soon-supporters-only.html?mref=204yt4&mc=302am
☆ PART II -•- (Watch NOW on LOCALS SOON SUPPORTERS ONLY!) » https://www.locals.com/channelledhermetics/feed?filter=scheduled&post=6167689
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